basque challenge
days left
feel like a pro
a "world tour"
cycle touring event"
A race to experience everything as a professional cyclist.
- Official tour of the queen stage of Itzulia
- Two different distances
- Official infrastructures
- Official Support Cars
- World Tour services
- Access to the Itzulia start and finish area
- And many more surprises
choose between
two routes
Espectacular! Nos vemos el año que viene 👏👏👏
MarkCorredor de la Itzulia Basque Challenge 2023
🙌 Espectacular! Organización 🔝
XavierCorredor de la Itzulia Basque Challenge 2023
Gran jornada hemos pasado de cicloturismo del bueno! Enhorabuena a participantes y organización 🙌
Plazerra izan da, edo sufrimendua 😅😅 ikuspuntuaren arabera 😝💪💪
Aritz2023ko Itzulia Basque Challengeko parte-hartzailea
Zorionak antolaturiko martxa ederragatik eta eskerrak bolondres guztieri eta @gobik_wear, @cafesbaque @finisher_es 👏
Harkaitz2023ko Itzulia Basque Challengeko parte-hartzailea
included services
official jersey
world tour infrastructures
itzulia official route
itzulia official accreditation
official cars
mechanic service
supporting vehicle
security on the route
controlled roads
medical assistance
expo zone
bike parking
car parking
popular lunch
and more!
we open registrations soon
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latest news
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